
This week’s podcast episode is number 200. 200 episodes. Can you believe it?! As if that wasn’t exciting enough, last week the Organize 365 podcast surpassed 2 million downloads! Thanks to each and every one of you who have listened to my…

200 – The State Of Paper In American Homes Read More »


Did you know that I have a condo? In this podcast episode, I share all about how I have preserved my sanity in my teenage years, 20s, 30s, and 40s by having my own condo. Putting yourself first I hope that by sharing how I use my condo, and how…

199 – My Bedroom Condo Read More »


On the podcast this week, I talk about goal setting. Goal setting is one of my favorite things. I may even like it more than organizing! The kind of goals that I love to set are BHAG – which stands for big, hairy, audacious goals. To put this…

198 – Good, Better, Best Goals Read More »


On the podcast this week, I talk about time management and productivity. I’ve finally figured out what is missing for women on this topic! Everyone needs a schedule. You need a plan and you need to proactively tell yourself what you should be…

197 – You Need A Schedule Read More »


On the podcast this week, I introduce you to a rule that I impose upon myself that I call the “24 Hour Rule.” The 24 Hour Rule is going to free you up from all the things that you might do, should do, could do,…

196 – The 24 Hour Rule Read More »


When is the last time you took a hard look at your afternoon and evening routines? We hear A LOT of people talk about their morning routines. (I shared details about my morning routine .) It’s also quite common to hear about evening routines….

193 – Creating Afternoon & Evening Routines Read More »


In this week’s podcast, I take a look at the cost of clutter and disorganization in our lives. I think we all know that there is a cost benefit to leading a more organized life, but did you know that it’s not just a financial benefit? A…

190 – The Cost of Clutter & Disorganization Read More »

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