541 – The Uniqueness of Your Personal History

Organize 365 Podcast
541 - The Uniqueness of Your Personal History
Have you ever been looking for something so hard that you miss it? Of course you have. That’s why we have so many idioms for this exact situation, like “If it’d been a snake it would have bit you.” You tear your house apart looking for the glasses that are literally on your head (guilty). You get frustrated at everyone in your house for losing your car keys that are still in the car. Often what we are searching for is right under our nose. Perhaps it’s been there longer than we realize. Today on the podcast, I reflect on my personal history and how it has uniquely shaped who I am and where I am today. I love sharing my story with all of you and I reflect on this not because I want to tell my story. I want you to see that my unique gift and passion for being the CEO of Organize 365® runs deep. Just like I know there’s something that runs deep in you, too. Picture yourself from the 50,000 foot point of view, then take inventory of your life and your story. You’ll quickly realize that your “something” has been right under your nose the entire time. Sometimes we can’t see the forest through the trees. We are so focused on the details of our life that we don’t see the bigger picture. In my business and my life, I give myself permission all the time to dream. I literally schedule this time into my schedule. When you listen to today’s podcast, I am giving you permission to dream. Think back to your upbringing, your life, the experiences you have sought out – everything is so close to you that you may not even see it. Think, dream, and take inventory of your unique personal history. Your story isn’t done yet. Neither is mine. I’m pursuing a PhD and learning that Organize 365® is growing in different ways than I ever imagined. I’m paving my own paths and writing my own story. Your story is also still in the making. In this podcast I encourage you to look at all the puzzle pieces of your life up until now and let’s start to put them together to help you discover your unique purpose.
  • What are the things that you understand better than anyone?
  • What is the thing you would sit down on the internet and research for hours?
  • What is keeping you from taking the next step in pursuing your unique purpose?
Whatever you’re dreaming about, I’m here to encourage you to take the next step. Whatever it is…do it. Believe you can do it – because believing in yourself is NOT optional. Give yourself permission to dream it and do it! This is such a fun episode. I hope during this episode you free up your mind for your own story. In order to save you some time googling – here’s the link to the infamous Longaberger Basket Building! Listen in to find out how this ties in! If you’ve forgotten how to dream or you’re not even sure where to begin, I’ve created the Embrace experience for you. EPISODE RESOURCES: Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!
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