August 24, 2024 from 10 AM – 2 PM Eastern

It's all about time.

The passing of time. The reality that we can’t make more time. The time to take back our time. The time to take care of ourselves. The time we spend on paid work and unpaid work. The time we spend on invisible work that we can’t even see, but we feel at the end of every day when we wonder where our time went. It’s all time. Your time.

We all have the same amount of time every day. And we all use it differently based on our priorities.

I have spent the majority of my time over the past 11 years devoted to helping others unlock their time so they can spend more time doing what they are uniquely created to do. 

In The Productive Home Solution®, I don’t just teach you the skill of organization. I don’t just flesh out the invisible work and make it visible. I show you how to actually eliminate some of this work. Make it go away. Declutter not only your house but also your time! The Productive Home Solution shows you exactly what task to do next so you keep moving forward. You don’t spend time figuring out what the next step toward living a more organized, productive, and proactive life is.

Organization is where time comes from. Say it with me, “organization is where time comes from.”

The more organized you are, the more productive and proactive you are. Simple example – how much time do you spend deciding what to wear in the morning? An organized person spends NO time deciding what to wear each morning because they already made that decision for themselves as part of their weekly routine. I spent 0 minutes in my closet today deciding what to wear. I grabbed the outfit I had already picked out for myself, and off I went to conquer my day.

If this feels overwhelming or you think this isn’t possible for you, I bet you just haven’t learned the skill of organization…yet. And you aren’t alone. Organize 365® research has shown that 87% of Americans believe organization is a learnable skill. Yet only 18% of these same people reported that they felt they were organized. The majority of people aren’t taught these things. This is what you learn at Organize 365®. This is what I teach. And let me tell you – I love teaching. I am a teacher by trade.

It is my belief that students cannot fail to learn; only teachers can fail to teach. For that reason, I have spent the past decade researching, analyzing, and testing the best way to teach the skill of organizing. 

Organization is a learnable skill…that begins in the mind. Let’s unlock your time this year so you can bless the world with who you are uniquely created to be!

Learning to be organized means:

  • You always know exactly where to find what you need (without tearing the house apart to hunt it down).
  • You know where everything belongs (without adding it to the ever-growing “do not lose” pile).
  • You experience your home as a place of peace and refuge (without constantly nagging someone to help you tidy).
  • You have the time and mental space to chase your dreams and do the things you were uniquely created to do (without letting your family down or dropping the ball).

It’s time to invest in yourself. Get started today with Planning Day so you can plan to thrive in every season.


From 10 am – 2 pm Eastern, we will get out our workbooks and work through the “thinking part” of preparing for the next season to begin together.

We will dive deep into the goal setting, delegation, planned neglect, and priorities that we will be focusing on in the coming 100 Days.

This will be conducted over a Zoom Webinar.

In this 4-hour “Planning Day” Zoom, Lisa will walk you through the Planning Day Workbook step by step, page by page.

Topics covered in Planning Day include:

  •  Big picture planning
  • Let’s take an inventory of our next 3 “Lisa years'” goals
  • Your Year at a Glance
  • Planning Your Goals
  • Identify your roles and responsibilities
  • Understanding where your time goes
  • Establishing Better Habits and Routines
  • Creating Task Stacking
  • Systems for Recurring Tasks and Bills
  • Creating Your Ideal Week
  • Best practices for using your Organize 365 workbook for the best productivity

*If you cannot attend LIVE a replay will be sent to you after the event that you can watch at your leisure. The replay will be available for approximately 6 weeks.

Sunday Basket Home Planning Day is open year round. You can sign up anytime!

YES! You can purchase Sunday Basket Home Planning Day and pay to have the Planning Day Workbook shipped to you or you can opt out of having the Workbook shipped. You will need to leave a comment in the “special notes” to NOT ship the Workbook.

No, when you attend Sunday Basket Home Planning Day, Lisa uses the Planning Day Workbook as a tool during the live event


No, the Sunday Basket Home Planning Day Workbook is specifically designed for Planning Day

The replay will be available for approximately 6 weeks. The specific date will be mentioned in the shop before you click to purchase.


The replay will be in the Sunday Basket Home Planning Day Event slash pocket on your dashboard.


We do not offer Planning Day on demand.

The Subscription Plan is open to US Residents only, who have attended the most recent Planning Day.

You can purchase it in the SHOP or in your dashboard.

At this time there is not an annual subscription plan.

The replay will be available for approximately 6 weeks. The specific date will be mentioned in the shop before you click to purchase.


Sunday Basket Home Planning Day Monthly Subscription Plan Planning Day Workbook will be shipped out 3 weeks prior to Planning Day.

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