Welcome! I’m so glad you are here!
My name is Lisa Woodruff, and I am the founder and CEO of Organize 365®.
My passion is to help people get organized so they can spend their time pursuing their unique purpose and sharing their gifts with the world. I know that life brings so many ups and downs. But when your home is organized, it gives you the foundation you need to manage crises when they come and pivot when you need to. The first step to a more peaceful life is getting your home in order. I focus on a message of grace when dealing with real life, and I want everyone to embrace progress over perfection.
I have a background as a teacher, professional organizer, motivational speaker, and entrepreneur. Organization is a learnable skill, and I teach individuals how they can become organized in their own lives and homes.
You are never behind when getting organized.
So feel free to join in at any time along your organizational journey. I will be here to support you in your journey!

Organize 365® helps busy people develop operational systems for functional household management so that they have the time to pursue their passions and unique gifting and calling.
Organize 365® traces its roots back to 2012 when CEO Lisa Woodruff found herself overwhelmed with the chaos of working a 60+ hour work week. Her house was a wreck, her kid’s needs weren’t being met, bills were mounting, and her teaching job wasn’t fulfilling her life’s purpose any longer. Something had to give, and she quit her day job. Read Lisa’s full story here and dive into her personal memoir Organization is a Learnable Skill.
She focused all 365 days of 2012 on starting Organize 365® and taking back control of her life and home. By the end of 2012, she had transformed her home and developed practical, functional organizational systems that worked and responded to the demands of a working household. Those systems became the pillars of the Organize 365® brand we use today: The Sunday Basket®, The Productive Home Solution, Home Planning Day, The Paper Solution, The Friday Workbox and the Certification Programs. In less than a decade, Lisa has grown Organize 365® from a one-woman blog and organizing business into a research-backed corporation that leads organizational trends worldwide.

Our Mission
Organize 365® helps busy people develop operational systems for functional household management so that they have the time to pursue their passions and unique gifting and calling.
Our Vision
Organize 365® Values

Organize 365® has three major principles that guide our vision.
At Organize 365®, we believe that if organization was just about buying organizational products, there would be a lot more organized households! Organization is a journey. It’s a way of thinking, and it can be learned.
#1 Organization has nothing to do with cute containers.
So many times, we see people spend large amounts of money on beautiful collections of containers and bins they are sure will be the “magic ticket” they finally need to get their homes the way they want it (or, more often, the way they saw it on Pinterest). But soon, they are missing papers. They are forgetting appointments. They have stacks of miscellaneous items all over their homes. Eventually, they are back on Pinterest looking for the next product that will finally work.
Our passion lies not with organization products, but with organization tools, resources, and most importantly, education. Organizing your home and life is a process and a routine. Those fancy containers–while beautiful–fail us because they don’t change us.
#2 Organization is about creating systems that fit your life.
It isn’t as simple as it sounds. But it works. We start with The Sunday Basket® ensuring that all of your household paper has a home and gets dealt with every single week. This routine creates a home base for everything that happens within your home and family and enables you to locate papers you need when you need them. Once you learn the routine, you’ll spend less time looking for papers and more time doing the things you were uniquely created to do.
#3 Products that lead to productivity.
Over the years, Lisa has honed the systems she used in her own organizational journey and she has started sharing them with her audience. We get questions all the time: What size basket do you use? Where do you find slash pockets? What ARE slash pockets? What size binder should I get? It only made sense to start producing our own–so we did!
We are all about function here at Organize 365®, but being pretty doesn’t hurt. We now offer several lines of beautiful, functional products with the end goal in mind: to help busy individuals get their homes organized so that they have time to pursue their passions and can live out their unique purpose.
Welcome! We are so glad you’re here.