Welcome! I'm So Glad You're Here!
The Business Friday Workbox® was designed to externalize the executive functions of our brain with visual cues for our work.
Lisa Woodruff will guide you through this by first identifying your thoughts as information that is composed of ideas, to-dos, and routine tasks. All the thoughts are captured in written form so they can be sorted and containerized.
The Business Friday Workbox® divides these tasks into 4 kinds of work – new projects/products, current projects/products, team communication & professional development, and routine job description tasks. This common understanding of the 4 kinds of work aids team discussions and makes each kind of work more tangible.
The weekly habit of taking time to conduct weekly planning and focusing on the next thing that needs to be done is how naturally organized employees move projects forward toward completion.
The Friday Workbox

Your purchase of the Business Friday Workbox includes:
- A physical Friday Workbox in the color of your choice – Classic Navy, Slate Gray, Vintage Plum, Sapphire Blue, or Basic Black
- One set of five (5) rainbow-colored 1.0 slash pockets
- One set of twenty (20) Essential slash pockets (5 each of pink, purple, blue, and green)
- A step-by-step Playbook to guide you in setting up your Business Friday Workbox
- Access to the online Business Friday Workbox course, which contains detailed on-demand training for implementing your new Workbox system
- Membership in an exclusive online community where you can join weekly co-working sessions for accountability