Ever felt like there’s too much to do at home and too little time? We’ve all been there! But Lisa Woodruff has some smart answers to our home challenges.

Home Is Where The Mind Is
In her enlightening book, “The Mindset of Organization”, Lisa teaches:
- A Tidy Home Equals a Tidy Mind: Think about it. When you’re in a clean room, your thoughts flow better. It’s like magic, but it’s really science. Clutter can make our brains feel cluttered, too.
- Life Changes, So Should Our Homes: As kids grow, they need different things. As adults, our jobs or hobbies might change. That means our homes need to adjust, too. We might need a new space for work or a spot for crafting.

Taming the Paper Jungle
Paper, paper everywhere! Bills, recipes, school stuff. In “The Paper Solution”, Lisa says:
- One Day, One Task: Just like we have Taco Tuesday, why not “Paper Wednesday”? On this day, you tackle all the papers. It’s easier when you know there’s just one day for it.
- Special Homes for Special Papers: Imagine if socks, toys, and spoons were all mixed in a box. Finding anything would be a mess! That’s why every type of paper needs its home.

Organizing is Like Learning to Ride a Bike
Nobody is born knowing how to be organized. But, just like riding a bike, you can learn! In “Organization is a Learnable Skill”, Lisa offers:
- Monthly Clean-Ups: Once a month, play some fun music or a podcast (maybe Lisa’s?) and go through one room. Before you know it, you’ve covered the whole house in a year!
- The Ten-Minute Nightly Magic: Did you know? Spending just 10 minutes each night can save hours on the weekend. Put things back in their places, and you’ll wake up happier.

ADHD Home Hacks
For those with ADHD, or if you live with someone who has it, home tasks might seem tough. But, in “How ADHD Affects Home Organization”, Lisa shares:
- Big, Bright Reminders: Use colors and big notes. Place them in spots you can’t miss, like the fridge or your bedroom door.
- Routines Rock: Doing things at the same time each day can be a game-changer. It creates a pattern, and our brains love patterns.
- Baby Steps: Big tasks can feel scary. But breaking them into little parts? That’s doable. Instead of “clean the kitchen,” maybe start with “clean the sink.”

Dive Deeper with Lisa
Hungry for more? Lisa has lots to share! There are more books, amazing tools to help with tidying, and her super fun podcast.

With Lisa’s guidance, making home a productive, happy place becomes a fun adventure. Ready to start?