In Organize 365® we say “Resources are not limited, they are limitless. Through collaboration, Organize 365® connects the right people and resources for maximum benefit and sustainability.” We know there is enough for everyone and growing up that is what I saw. I guess it’s true when it comes to our kids, more is caught than what is taught.
Abundance through the eyes of a child
Knowing what I know now I could have probably figured out that our family was not rich. But I never felt it as a child. We had what we needed and we got to participate in extra-curricular activities. I watched my mother work her business. I watched my dad ”get recruited” by his friends to be a sales person for them. And when they sold the company to their sons, the sons added my dad as one of their partners because they knew he was valuable and consistently brought in a lot of new sales. It was then we had extra money. But my dad was good at managing the money so that our family and the company had enough money even in times of lack. As a kid I always felt that we had enough resiliency and ability to overcome lack.
Abundant Energy
Our desires and plans don’t always play out the way we want or think, but with an Abundance Mindset, they will come to be. I wanted to be a mother so bad. I had an abundant mindset and had to embrace the opportunity that adoption would provide, which was me becoming a mother. We had situations come our way through the adoption process. I could have clung to each one and thought this is my one opportunity I have to take it! But, I knew that I would be a mother, I just didn’t know how. I was open minded. What is going to be will be and I knew at the end of all of it, I would be a mother! An abundance frequency attracts abundance. Everything is just energy. I gave multiple examples of it in this episode because I see so much abundance in my life. I’m not trying to brag, I want you to see it’s there for you too.
The Pie Factory
You are only in competition with yourself. There is only one you with your unique skill set. Imagine a pie factory and they are just spitting out pies regularly. You don’t get just one slice. You don’t have to share a pie with anyone. You can have as much pie as you want.
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