Organize 365 Podcast
116 - Monthly & Yearly Checklists
Having a checklist frees your mind to remember and problem solve bigger issues than remembering when you last changed your furnace filter.
In the podcast today, I am sharing the lists I use to keep items checked off my to-do list and off my brain.
Lisa’s EVERY Month Checklist
- Change furnace filter
- Wash washer, oven, sink disposal
- Wash bathmats
- Clean out fridge & freezer
- Wash & clean out car
Family Management
- Check for birthdays/holidays
- 15th Reconcile checkbook
- Costco paper supplies order
- Check primary bathroom products
- Order prescriptions
- Dog flea, tick & heartworm meds
- Wash dog bowls
- Change kid’s sheets
- Add money to lunch accounts
- Schedule haircuts & eyebrow waxing
- Check kid’s bathroom products
- Update kid’s Google calendars
- Get kid’s grocery lists back to school shopping
Lisa’s Yearly Checklist
- Buy new bath towels?
- Pay quarterly taxes
- Send annual taxes to accountant
- Go through and purge family files
- Medical deductible starts over
- File 1099’s and W2’s for employees
- Buy Florida plane tickets
- Real estate taxes due
- Start looking for summer job
- Pool membership due
- Sign up for summer programs
- Change fire detector batteries
- Pour water in basement pipes
- Easter
- Pay quarterly taxes
- Mulch
- Secure summer reading tutor
- Prep for Abby’s birthday
- Mother’s Day
- Graduations
- Pour water in basement pipes
- Father’s Day
- New glasses for Joey
- Pay quarterly taxes
- Florida condo fee due
- First school tuition payment
- Real estate taxes due
- Back to school shopping
- Stock up on cold supplies
- Clean carpets
- Make Thanksgiving & Christmas plans
- Start holiday lists
- Pay quarterly taxes
- Change fire detector batteries
- Pour water in basement pipes
- Buy winter coats/gloves
- Move winter items into hall closet
- Plan spring break
- Complete Christmas shopping and entertaining plans
- Greg life insurance due
- Prep for Joey’s birthday
- Christmas cookies
- Family movies days
- Out to eat with the family