Home Storage and Organization Ideas
This is the perfect time to organize the storage room. Many of you are off work and much of the storage room contents {AKA Christmas} are not in the storage room.
My storage room starts to get out of hand right after school starts and by the week after Christmas, I can’t find anything!
Some of you may want to smack me right now for thinking THIS is disorganized, but the reality is that ALL organizational systems have to be maintained and decluttered on a regular basis. Every December, I organize our storage room.
There were many years where this was a weekend long project, but now I can do it in a few hours.
I needed to:
#1 Declutter and donate a few items. {I got rid of a lot from a bookshelf you can’t see in this picture.}
#2 Add more Christmas storage and move the Spring, Summer, and Fall storage to the shelving unit that used to hold empty organizers.
So, here is the after picture.
This shelving unit used to store empty containers for organizing around our house. I moved a few of the organizers I like a lot over to the bookshelf I decluttered that you can’t see.
I have added Fall and Christmas decorations, so my decorating shelving needs have spread to 3 shelving units.
I spent a good amount of time going through what was stored on top of these 2 shelving units. I added quite a few toys the kids want to keep, but don’t play with.
There used to be 2 smaller Christmas trees stored up here, but we gave those away this year.
So, here is how the bins on the back wall will be organized. I am not 100% sure all the Christmas will fit there when I take it down, but we’ll see.
I love having a clean storage room when putting our Christmas decorations away.
How about you? How often do you clean out your storage room?