Supercharge Your Day: How to Be More Productive at Work

Every employee’s dream is to conquer their tasks effortlessly and leave the office with a sense of accomplishment. But how? Learn productivity tips from Lisa Woodruff’s books to improve your work efficiency and discover the secrets of being more productive.


Unlocking the Power of Mindset

Before implementing tangible steps, it’s pivotal to cultivate the right mindset. As Lisa emphasizes in “The Mindset of Organization”.

Organization and Productivity Go Hand-in-Hand

An organized space and mind lead to unburdened thinking, faster decision-making, and a productivity boost.

The Journey Matters

Productivity isn’t just about the end result. It’s about the journey, the habits, and the small decisions we make every day.

Your Organization Journey Paper

Addressing the Paper Jungle

Even in our digital era, paperwork can become a productivity pitfall. Drawing from “The Paper Solution”, Lisa provides us with remedies:

  • Embrace the Sunday Basket Concept: Set aside time (any day that suits you) to tackle paperwork. Sort, declutter, and prioritize.
  • Systems Save Time: Organize your papers in clear categories. This minimizes time searching.

Harnessing Organizational Skills

Productivity thrives in organization. And as Lisa emphasizes in “Organization is a Learnable Skill,” anyone can master it:

  • Consistent Habits: Dedicate small chunks of time daily to organizing, be it your emails, tasks, or workstation.
  • Iterate and Improve: If a strategy doesn’t yield results, refine it. Flexibility is key.

Considerations for ADHD in Boosting Productivity

Lisa’s insights from “How ADHD Affects Home Organization” can help one adapt to the workplace despite the additional challenges that ADHD may bring.

  • Visual Cues: Use vibrant sticky notes, highlighters, or boards. They aid memory and task prioritization.
  • Routine and Structure: Establishing a consistent work routine can greatly assist in task management.
  • Break and Breathe: Short breaks can actually boost productivity by refreshing the mind.

Dive Deeper with Lisa’s Goldmine of Resources

Tap into Lisa Woodruff’s universe to genuinely embrace and understand how to be more productive at work. She offers a realm of knowledge waiting to be explored through her books, innovative products, and enlightening podcasts.


Productivity isn’t merely about doing more; it’s about doing better. As we’ve learned from Lisa Woodruff, we can transform our workdays into masterpieces of efficiency with the right mindset and tools.

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