Organize 365® The Household Reference Binder
The Organize 365® Household Reference Binder is for your home. For many of us, our home is our biggest asset. This binder is designed for you to keep track of all the systems, moving parts, decorative and maintenance related aspects of your home. You will find yourself using this binder A LOT. If you need a new part for a broken appliance, if you need to touch-up the paint in a room, when you need to order mulch for the spring and want to remember how much to order – this is your go-to binder for all that information.
This is also the binder you would take to a real estate agent when you go to sell your house. This binder has everything in it you would need to fill out disclosures, and can be used to demonstrate improvements made to the home that could potentially increase the value.
The included workbook will walk you through your home room-by-room (and the yard, too!) to document all the things you need to know or keep track of to easily maintain your home.
Listen to the podcast.
537 - Home Improvement & Repair Records: Selling Your Home/Moving
347 - The Paper Solution – How to Organize Papers from Your Physical Home
The Paper Solution®

The Paper Solution includes:Â
- The Medical Binder
- The Financial Binder
- The Household Operations Binder
- The Household Reference Binder
- Lifetime access to the course dashboard.
- Virtual Paper Organizing Retreat on-demand.
- Access to the community app and the Paper Solution community group.

Introducing Organize 365’S Paper Solution®
Bring your collection of home-related papers to the workshop, and a Certified Paper Solution® Organizer will guide you through the process of organizing all of your papers. You’ll leave with a completely organized binder that allows you to keep all home reference information at your fingertips, including papers related to:
• Home purchase
• Home improvements
• Appliances & electronics
• Exterior and landscape
You’ll love the peace of mind that the Household Reference Binder will bring to your life. All ofyour home-related paperwork will be easily accessible to you or anyone else who might need it.

For more information and to purchase a The Household Reference Binder, click here.