Starting the Ph.D., I was as planned as you could be. I even took care of all the possible health visits I could have before starting school so that I didn’t have to take away any time to do that once I started; now that is planning!
This journey is not easy, but I prefer to be upbeat and not share everything that’s not working. I ignore the things I don’t have control over, but I will tell you the things that have gone wrong in the first three weeks just so I can point back to this episode and say, “Remember week 3,” not everything is perfect.
In preparing, I began by pretending that since I’m a pretty productive person, I could add 30 hours of work, and nothing else would be sacrificed. That’s not a thing because there aren’t 186 hours a week; there are only 168 hours a week. I’m hoping that the learnings I take from this can benefit you and whatever it is that you are adding to your plate and whatever you are striving to be as well.
- Follow my journey on Instagram – Check out the Ph.D. Highlight Button
- Laura Vanderkam – 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think
- Oura Ring
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