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480 Organize 365® History of Teaching the Skill of Organization

History of teaching the skill of organization
Organize 365 Podcast
480 Organize 365® History of Teaching the Skill of Organization

It’s time for a little Organize 365® history lesson! Let’s retrace the 10-year journey of Organize 365® and the various iterations of the 100 Day Home Organization Program.

I was a very organized child. My mom used to take me shopping with a bag of buttons in hand. While she tried on clothes, I’d sit on the floor and sort the buttons.

I love sorting things and I love finding new ways to organize things.

Over the course of my lifetime, I’ve had seasons where I was extremely organized, such as when I was a teacher. At other times, I was completely unorganized, like when we adopted our babies or when my father passed away and I was managing his estate.

I found that when I was disorganized, I felt so out of control.

In 2012, I began a new season of my life. I was overweight, depressed, and anxious. I wasn’t the wife or mother I wanted to be. I had just quit my teaching job and I started getting myself organized. In the midst of that journey and with the heart of a teacher, I started Organize 365®.

The 40 Weeks, 1 Whole House Challenge was born during this time. It was focused on women with school-aged children. At that time, I was also a professional organizer in the Cincinnati area. I watched as the women I was organizing locally and the women following the challenge learned the skill of organization for themselves.

I knew that people other than female homeowners with children needed to get organized.

The 40-day challenge morphed into the 100 Day Home Organization Program as I removed the tasks that focused on children and made the program fit the needs of any woman, anywhere in the world. (I’m still learning about the needs of men and incorporating those things into the program.)

Listen in to hear more about how the 100 Day Home Organization Program continued to change over the years. We’re making changes to the program again now that it is no longer available a la carte and is a part of The Productive Home Solution™ (formerly called All Access). Based on our research, I’m excited to reveal the new choose your own adventure format that will enable you to make progress on what you need to organize in your current season of life.

Do you feel organized? It’s a learnable skill!

Learn more about and join The Productive Home Solution™ here.

Note: If you’re a current member of The Productive Home Solution™ you will continue to have legacy access to anything you have access to now.

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