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IMTS Women Make Manufacturing Move

Lisa Woodruff time

Lisa Woodruff presents on how to create scalable habits to free up your mind for problem-solving and still get your to-dos done. 

We all know work-life balance is a myth, but the most productive people we know are winning at home and at work. How do they do it? If you ask them, they don’t know. The truth is they have developed systems and habits over time that allow them to pivot from on task and problem to the next with less stress and ease. Keeping their brains available for their most important work.

The good news is Organize 365®’s research has shown that organization is a LEARNABLE skill. 

Ready to reclaim over 5 hours every week by implementing these solutions in your own life? The IMTS Show Special includes everything you need to get your home and work papers, to-dos, thoughts and ideas organized:

  • Business Friday Workbox® in Navy
  • Business Friday Workbox® Goal Planner
  • Business Friday Workbox® Planning Day with Lisa
  • Complete Sunday Basket® System
  • Portable Sunday Basket® in Navy Damask
  • The Paper Solution® Household Operations Binder

How Do I Organize My Work?

Business Friday Workboxes®  Are For Organizing Your Work

The Business Friday Workbox® is a comprehensive organizational solution with everything you need to physically organize your papers and to learn all the skills of being proactive and productive in your work. It is a physical product that stores ideas and assignments to keep your desk free of paper. It also includes online lessons to teach the skill of organizing. Using this external brain ensures that you are spending your time proactively engaged with your work, rather than reacting to the latest crisis. You will learn to track all of your active work, proactively plan your week, and increase the strength of your organizational skills. If you are familiar with the Complete Sunday Basket® System for managing household paper, it will be easy to master your Business Friday Workbox. The two share some similarities such as focusing on actionable papers and the use of the 1.0 and 2.0 Slash Pockets. However, Business Friday Workboxes are focused on work or passion projects. Organize 365 believes that “work,” paid or unpaid, takes on many different forms, which is why the Business Friday Workbox is designed to be customizable to your specific role. The system contains a combination of physical and digital learning tools to help you create lasting organizational success in your workspace.
Friday workbox

How Do I Organize My Household Paper?

The Complete Sunday Basket® Is For Organizing Your Household Paper

getting through the day

Organizing is a skill, not a personality trait. That means you can learn to organize! The Complete Sunday Basket® is all about functionality and practicality. We’re not looking for “Pinterest perfect.” We’re implementing a system that works for you.

Sunday basket

With the Complete Sunday Basket system you will:

  • Gather incoming paperwork into one spot.
    • Stop frantically searching for the document you need!
  • Establish a dedicated routine for processing paper.
    • Streamline your life, reduce your mental load, save 5 hours per week!
  • Plan your week in advance.
    • Maximize productivity and efficiency without forgetting anything!
  • Learn vital skills you can apply to all areas of life.
    • Being organized will save you time, energy, and money!


Lisa Woodruff Sunday Basket

Lisa Woodruff is a productivity specialist, home organization expert, and founder and CEO of Organize 365®. Lisa provides physical and motivational resources teaching busy women to take back control of their lives with functional systems that work. She’s the host of the top-rated Organize 365 Podcast, which was featured as the Woman’s Day podcast of the month, where she shares strategies for reducing overwhelm, clearing mental clutter and living a productive and organized life. Lisa has authored several Amazon bestselling books and is a sought-after trainer and speaker, often quoted as saying “Done is better than perfect” and “Progress over perfection.” Her sensible and doable organizing tasks appeal to multiple generations and her candor and relatable style make you feel as though she is right there beside you, helping you get organized as you laugh and cry together.

As a recognized thought-leader Lisa’s work has been featured in many national publications such as, Fast Company, US News and World Report, Women’s World, Ladies Home Journal, Getting Organized, Woman’s Day and Your Teen magazines. She’s been interviewed on over thirty podcasts, more than fifty local TV segments, countless online summits and is a regular HuffPost and ADDitude magazine contributor. Lisa is also a generational expert and specializes in unpacking common everyday scenarios with grace and reshaping your understanding of the role we play in the home today. Believing that organization is not a skill you’re born with, but rather is developed over time and which changes with each season of life, she made it her mission to teach others organizational skills that will serve them for life.

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