Welcome! I’m so glad you are here!

My name is Lisa Woodruff, and I am the founder and CEO of Organize 365®.

Organize 365® helps busy people, in all phases of life, learn the functional skills of home and paper organization in one year with organizing systems that work. By developing these skills, people have the time to pursue their passions and unique gifting and calling.

My passion is to help people get organized so they can spend their time pursuing their unique purpose and sharing their gifts with the world. I know that life brings so many ups and downs. But when your home is organized, it gives you the foundation you need to manage crises when they come and pivot when you need to. The first step to a more peaceful life is getting your home in order. I focus on a message of grace when dealing with real life, and I want everyone to embrace progress over perfection.

I have a background as a teacher, professional organizer, motivational speaker, and entrepreneur. Organization is a learnable skill, and I teach individuals how they can become organized in their own lives and homes.

You are never behind when getting organized.

So feel free to join in at any time along your organizational journey. I will be here to support you in your journey!

smile lisa signature


Pat Alexander

Pat Alexander

Executive Assistant to Lisa

Pat has shared her talents as an administrative professional in a variety of industries throughout her career; first it was consumer goods, then public transportation, and now home and paper organization. Throughout it all, she has maintained a positive can-do attitude.

 The Paper Solution® 4 Essential Binders, especially Medical and Financial. They’ve been a life-saver!

All of the Wednesday Podcasts. I love hearing about how Organize 365® has impacted others lives just as it has mine!

Cheesecake of any kind!

 To spend more time paper crafting. And not just stamping cards, but mailing them too!

Stefanie Ardoin

Stefanie Ardoin, RHIA

Friday Business Workbox Lead

Stefanie is a Registered Health Information Administrator from Louisiana where she worked as the administrator for a medical practice for the last 30 years. Stefanie moved to South Carolina to be near her children and grandchildren and decided to start her own business as a professional organizer and quickly connected with Organize 365.  She is a Sunday Basket, Paper Solution, and Business Friday Workbox certified organizer and was able to join the Dream Team in the Certification Program, doing what she loves every day.

Business Workbox and Portable Sunday Basket®

Depends on the mood, but Friday night pizza with a movie, or watching old TV series with my daughters (usually superhero or silly shows from their high school years).

Has and always will be “organizing.”

Taking care of my health, making changes, and creating healthy habits!


Stephanie Avalos

Chief of Staff

Over the past year and a half Stephanie has been a stay-at-home mom for her 3 kids.  Previously she has worked in the Hospitality Industry, and has always had a passion for helping others succeed in their goals.

When not working and spending time with family, she enjoys swimming, hiking, going to the park and adventures with the family making memorable experiences.

the Friday Corporate Workbox

My favorite is Organizing Kid’s Art and Schoolwork.  I have collected so many papers, pictures and crafts over the years and only have so much storage space.  When Lisa talked about a monthly board to display their work and creations it changed my whole outlook on how to keep all the precious memories for me.

Cheeseburger with swiss, mushrooms and BBQ sauce!!!!

Redo the basement and create a space for the kids to have as their own!


Shari Banks

Operations Tech. Lead

Shari Banks joined our team in July 2020 as a Customer Success and Fulfillment Specialist. She loves helping customers of Organize 365 with any questions they have.

Shari has been a stay-at-home mother of 5 children with occasional part-time work in administrative areas. When not attending her childrens’ sporting & school events, she enjoys spending time with family and friends while hiking, running with her dogs, volunteering at church, and learning to crochet. Shari’s favorite Organize 365 product is the Sunday Basket!®

Portable Sunday Basket in Black

Expanding Your Personal Energy: Productive People Part 1

Peanut butter & chocolate milkshakes

Wedding planning for my twins who are both getting married this year


Tanya Blackburn

Controller and The Productive Home Solution® Lead
Tanya is a professional organizer and productivity coach who is dedicated to helping you create a life that is more organized, efficient, and maintainable. She believes that accountability and community are key in transforming people and spaces.

All of the binders!

Episodes 361-362: The 4 Kinds of Work, Parts 1 & 2 

Online shopping

Organizing photos and creating scrapbooks

Anna Hall

Teacher Workbox Brand Manager
Anna has a background in higher education and taught high school for seven years. She recently received her Ed.D. and is excited to put her doctorate to use conducting research on the Organize 365 products and systems, especially the Teacher Friday Workbox.

The Teacher Friday Workbox

Episode 566 – Be the Person YOU Want to Be at the Holidays

Listening to audiobooks while sewing or knitting

I want to write a book

Debba Haupert

Sunday Basket Brand Manager

Favorite Organize 365® product:

Monique Horb

Certification and Sunday Basket Lead

Monique is a Professional Organizer who helps women gain more time, energy, and money with home organization, time management, and productivity transformation through in-home sessions, workshops, and virtual coaching.

The Sunday Basket® of course!

Episode 249: Manifesting Your Organization & Episode 252: Endurance Means NOT Stopping

Chocolate and peanut butter

My personal health – I just joined the Faster Way to Weight Loss (YIKES!)

Michelle Paradice

Customer Service Email Lead

Michelle is primarily responsible for maintaining the Organize 365 main e-mail inbox. She shares responsibility to run the Sunday Basket Club on Sunday’s along with one our certified professional organizers. 

The Sunday Basket®

…ooh I have so many but definitely Golden Windows. That one just really struck me. I also really loved Episode 316 – Solving the Problem For Good. I know that she talks about her hair a lot but I have huge issues with my hair because I straighten it so it really jumped out at me and I have kind of solved it but as long as mine grows it will never be solved unless I embrace my curls and I have not yet. The curly hair represented a terrible piece of my life for many years…


Planning an 11 day Mediterranean cruise with my mom for her 70th. birthday and my 45th. Greece, Italy and Croatia and ending it with a few days in Italy so I can take a cooking class…..


Katie Rivera

Social Media Specialist

Katie has a B.S. Degree in Digital Communication and Media/Multimedia from Florida State College at Jacksonville. Recently, she worked as a Marketing Manager but realized she loves graphic design more than anything. She’s beyond excited to bring her creative skills to the Organize 365 team!

The Sunday Basket®

Having a glass of wine while watching the bachelor.

Buying our first home.


Joey Woodruff

Fulfillment Specialist

Joey brings his talents to the Fulfillment & Multimedia position and is responsible for supporting Organize 365’s supply chain and logistics strategy. He strives to maximize process efficiency, safety, quality, and productivity for the brand aesthetic of Organize 365® in media.

Sunday Basket®

Playing video games

Work more with video and photography for Organize 365®!

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