Enrollment OPEN

Home Planning Day Prep.

Imagine how amazing it will feel to unlock your time in 2024?! How it would feel to come home to an organized house and create a system and routine for managing your work, passion projects and/or business?

Don’t miss your chance to enroll in this subscription – it’s being offered in February ONLY! There are 3 Productive Home Planning Day Prep events in 2024, this is over $60 in savings!

What is Planning Day Prep?​

  • Get your workbook ready for planning day 
  • Deep dive into your Sunday Basket – purge and delete slash pockets
  • Go through The Paper Solution binders 
  • Understand the systems and processes so you can do more WORK during Planning Day live. 

Planning Day with Lisa

Learn how to plan for the next 120 days. The next Planning Day is LIVE on August 24th, 2024 From 10 AM – 2 PM Eastern.
Stop operating from a place of reactiveness and live your life with a proactive, planned and productive approach!
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