Emily M. Kelly

Emily Kelly


I am Lisa's sister. I was trained by Lisa's thought leadership and systems long before the world knew about them. I spent countless weekends as a child "helping" Lisa rearrange her room (EVERY weekend) - often using the post it notes process she shares on her podcast. When I went back to school for my teaching degree in the early 2000’s, I helped many (mostly) women get their homes and offices organized, and joined Lisa in helping people get their photos organized through Creative Memories. Areas of focus usually began with the master closet, home office, kitchen and storage area, or by digging them out of their bags and shoeboxes full of photos.
I have recruited, trained and certified hundreds of professional organizers through my role as a full-time employee at Organize 365, and I have made hundreds of scrapbooks under Lisa's tutelage as a Unit Leader with Creative Memories. Lately, I have been liberating many clients from their filing cabinets as well.
EMK Incorporated exists to help individuals get their home, paper and photos organized.
We help busy professionals live a more productive life. We help people who are overwhelmed with the loss of a loved one and the task of processing through their belongings after they have gone. We help clients who struggle with physical illnesses such as Parkinson's and Traumatic Brain Injury as well as clients that are legally blind and/or struggle with depression due to an unexpected and traumatic life event, or series of events. We help parents of special needs children find order in the chaos. I understand the emotional component involved in getting organized and the roadblocks people face in overcoming their challenges. I am patient and I would be honored to help you live a more peaceful and productive life by sharing Lisa's programs, products and processes with you in person, or virtually.


Akron, Ohio
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Akron, Ohio
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