
Rhonda Haynes


Rhonda Haynes

Organizing Expert Directory Listings

I understand you! I have been where you are! Reactive to proactive? It might sound impossible, but it's not!  That is exactly my story and my journey. Organization IS a learnable skill, I have learned it and continue to refine it.  That is why I pursued the Organize 365® Paper Solution® Certification and started my own business, now Confident Grace: Life & Learning, to help others gain confidence through becoming more organized.

I went through too many years of spinning my wheels and thinking that I was broken. Too much of the time I let life happen "to" me, I was living in reactive mode versus proactive mode and it left me exhausted. The Organize 365 products, systems and support have changed my life! Whether it’s home spaces, paper for your household or work, classroom or home education, & even those precious memories, organization is the first step to make the shift from reactive to proactive living.  I would love to help you learn the skills and make that shift so you can have Confident Grace allowing you to Live with Confidence & Love with Grace!

Join Me for one of my Co-Working sessions for the Sunday Basket, Business and Education Workboxes, Binders, or monthly Virtual Mini-Paper Retreats. I also offer PPRs – Personal Paper Retreats and ‘All About You’ one-on-one sessions for your home and paper.  Please fill out a  Contact Me form or schedule a free discovery call by emailing me at rhonda@confident-grace.com, Confident Grace: Life & Learning.


Springfield, Missouri


Springfield, Missouri
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