Rosa Everson


Rosa Everson

Organizing Expert Directory Listings

As we take control of our paper, we take greater control of our lives. Though it might sound dramatic, this is EXACTLY the transformation that has begun in me.

In 2021, I pivoted from a 24-year career as an elementary teacher to entrepreneurship with my own home organizing business. I already knew how to organize. What I didn’t know was how to run a business. Friday Workbox Planning Days guide me through taking big-picture ideas and creating a realistic business plan for each quarter. The Friday Workbox gives me the weekly structure I need to make the quarterly plans a reality.

In the summer of 2022, my mom (who lived out of state) had a stroke. After moving her to be closer to me, I became the coordinator of her rehab and medical care. Enter the Paper Solution Medical Binder. Having my mom’s medical information organized and easy to carry has been invaluable as I set up her various appointments. The Paper Solution binders make what’s important portable.

While helping my mom navigate her medical care, my husband’s employer sent him out of the country for three months. Sunday Basket to the rescue! Sunday Basket time reminds me that I’m in charge of my time and my life. Being reminded of this on a weekly basis is powerful.

I’m excited to support you as you take control of your paper and your life. I serve clients virtually, as well as in-person in the Chandler, AZ area.


Chandler, Arizona


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