Today, let’s talk about disposing of paint.
Our county has a hazardous waste program during the summer months where I can drop off any paint or chemicals I want to get rid of. Now, you might not have that, the timing might be off, or you aren’t reading this post in the summer. No worries!

Just stir one of these packets into your unwanted paint and it will harden in 24 hours so you can throw it in your black trash bags.
Much nicer than my kitty litter tutorial from last summer!

Oh, and don’t be surprised if your paint can dried up your paint itself. Yep, love it when I am storing useless paint…
NOT! A while ago, I realized that if I just kept the paint can lid, I could have a new quart or gallon made later.

Now when I buy a new gallon of paint, I keep the nice store paint sample in my home binder. In Cincinnati, Matthew 25 Ministries will take donations of almost full cans of latex paint for reuse / re-blending. You can click on the link and see how they are taking old paint and reusing it to help the poor all around the United States! Really think about when you will be using the paint you are storing again.

When I took a hard look at my paint cans, I got rid of over 50%. And I thought I had already really gone through and purged them!