Embrace Self-Guided Retreat
The Organize 365® Embrace Conference is all about inspiring you and helping you realize your full potential so that you can live out your life purpose and passion. We can’t wait to experience this transformational weekend with you!
If you have never attended the Embrace conference, it can be hard to know what you are signing up for. If you have experienced Embrace, it is difficult to express in words the transformation that occurs through the weekend.
We asked past attendees to share their breakthroughs and key takeaways, and what they came back with says it all:

Excellence is a habit
We no longer aim for perfection, but only to be the best possible version of ourselves. In turn, we are free to pursue our unique gifts and touch the world in the way that only we can.

Making Mental Mindset shifts
Transformation begins in our mind and our mindset shapes our reality. When an obstacle stands between us and our goals, we change our perception of the situation. We have the power to change the narrative that is holding us back.

Beauty in Brokenness
We are all broken in our own ways, but our stories make us unique and beautiful. We listen to others’ stories without judgement and without trying to “fix” them, recognizing that our imperfections are something to take pride in and embrace.

Reflect & Redevelop ourselves, not just our homes
This weekend is a time to reflect on where we are, where we have come from, and where we are going. We dream big like we did as children, reevaluate our situation, and take stock of the new possibilities that have revealed themselves along the way.

All about Action
With the help of those around us, we have turned our plans into action, which allows us to turn our dreams into reality.

Catalysts for Change
Each of us has a unique purpose. We are empowered to change the world, one person at a time. We know that lasting change starts with one person, and we gain courage to take the next step in our unique journey.

Enjoy & Embrace where we are today
We enjoy our time together and remember that life is about the journey, not the end result. We remain present with each other and are grateful for new memories and perspectives.

This transformational retreat is all about inspiring you and helping you realize your full potential so that you can live out your life with purpose and passion.
Customer Testimonials
Embrace is a safe cocoon for the experiential journey from intellectually understanding that you are enough, to physically feeling and believing it.