
As I tell you all the time, getting organized has 3 steps – decluttering, organizing, and increasing productivity. Today, I deep dive into changing your mindset to get better at decluttering so you can move towards a more organized home and life….

294 – Declutter – Answering Your Questions Read More »


So many of you asked me to create a virtual Embrace experience. I carried you in my heart the whole time Embrace was going on. And I kept thinking … How could I do that? I thought and puzzled and then puzzled some more. And then I did it! Listen in…

293 – Embrace Breakthroughs Read More »


Have you ever wanted to make a behavior change to your personal or professional life? Maybe you want to start eating healthy, pick up a new hobby, or live a more organized life. Whatever your “big change” is, there are five simple steps you can take…

290 – The Transtheoretical Model Read More »


Do you have a big project looming over your head? Maybe you’ve been procrastinating on it for a while and now you’re ready to get things in order. Or, maybe you woke up this morning with an amazing idea to start a big project in your home or…

288 – Organizing BIG Projects Read More »

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