I hope you all remember Jayme from the Teacher Pilot that I shared with you in previous episodes. Jayme found the Organize 365® systems effective for home and then implemented them at work. Jayme was open to the idea of using her school as a pilot to see how the Teacher Workbox® could impact an

Teacher Podcast #1 – Meet Jayme Read More »

I have these big ideas, big questions, big observations that I think about when I’m driving, going to bed, in the shower…how different related concepts are viewed in different environments and how they actually are all talking about the same thing; we’re just using different words to describe them. So in this episode and the

581 – The Physical Weight of the Cognitive Load Read More »

This week I want to talk about lists. Why I don’t have to do lists, cleaning lists, work lists, etc. I just all the sudden realized I didn’t have them and had to figure out, where did they go? When did I get rid of them? How long have I been living without lists? Where

580 – Ditch the Lists – Do This Instead Read More »

Last week I talked about Saturday time versus Sunday time, having housework time versus having household management time. Here’s another layer: big projects, small projects, big tasks and small tasks. When I’m stressed, I tend to check off as many small tasks as possible – things that don’t require a lot of mental bandwidth. It’s

579 – Your Brain Needs Small Tasks and Large Projects Read More »

Today starts another three part series, and in this series we’re going to be talking about time, tasks, task stacking, and how to really think about our time at home differently. Today’s episode is about the difference between Saturday time and Sunday time. I’m going to take us all back to our childhood, because I

578 – Saturday Tasks Vs. Sunday Tasks Read More »

First of all…don’t panic! It’s just a small, 6-week break. You know, every once in a while you need to get reorganized and pause something so you have more bandwidth to address another project. That’s all we’re doing! In the meantime, I’d love to record an episode with you about your transformation with Organize 365®!

Organize 365 Reorganization & Wednesday Podcast Break Read More »

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