Work can sometimes feel like navigating through a storm. Tasks pile up, papers scatter, and suddenly, your desk mirrors a battleground. But what if you could turn this chaos into harmony? With the genius of Lisa Woodruff’s books, you’ll grasp exactly how to stay organized at work. Laying the Foundation: The Organizational Mindset Before we […]

How to Stay Organized at Work: Unpacking The Strategies Read More »

Transformation Wednesday

You all love when Emily comes on the podcast. So the good news is, she’s back! We last left Emily at her job at Quality IP facing the wall with people talking about lunch behind her. Turns out this opportunity was the final straw to Emily exploring entrepreneurship! We are talking about sales, the economy

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Every employee’s dream is to conquer their tasks effortlessly and leave the office with a sense of accomplishment. But how? Learn productivity tips from Lisa Woodruff’s books to improve your work efficiency and discover the secrets of being more productive. Unlocking the Power of Mindset Before implementing tangible steps, it’s pivotal to cultivate the right

Supercharge Your Day: How to Be More Productive at Work Read More »

How do we move from being a productive person who can get a lot done in a day to someone who can really set and achieve bigger goals that are going to make a marked difference in the world? The way to become more impactful doesn’t come from productivity, it doesn’t come from apps, and

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Ever felt like there’s too much to do at home and too little time? We’ve all been there! But Lisa Woodruff has some smart answers to our home challenges. Home Is Where The Mind Is In her enlightening book, “The Mindset of Organization”, Lisa teaches: A Tidy Home Equals a Tidy Mind: Think about it.

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Thoughts on the Teacher Pilot Final Session (Lisa)

I wish you guys could understand the opportunity Jayme gave me when she offered up her school as a pilot school. Jayme had been talking about the Education Friday Workbox® and explaining how she was so organized, but I was still shocked that she was able to get approval overnight! It was an easy “yes”

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Creating a Home Organizing Train

Are you driving a car, or conducting a train? Today’s episode is about your home organizing train. It takes a lot of effort to stop a train. When you are productive, have a lot of impact, and your life is up and running – you get a couple of unexpected events coming at you but

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Maintaining a well-organized and streamlined household is essential for a stress-free and productive life. People often overlook organizing finances, which is one crucial aspect of household management. A disorganized financial system can lead to stress, missed payments, and missed opportunities for saving, investing, and giving. Fortunately, Organize 365’s “Productive Home Solution” offers a simple and

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