305 – How To Stay Calm in Chaos – Lisa Woodruff

Organize 365 Podcast
305 - How To Stay Calm in Chaos - Lisa Woodruff

Today on the podcast, I want to share with you how I stay calm in chaos. I recently experienced two major unexpected events. One was an emergency, the other was not. However, they both happened at the same time and required me to completely rearrange my schedule.

When the unexpected happens, your priorities often shift quickly. Being organized and having time to think through how to deal with unexpected events has helped me change how I approach chaotic situations. Not every unexpected event or situation is fixable, but being organized means there is more margin to think and decide before reacting. Organization allows you to have a sense of preparedness no matter what life throws at you.

When I was disorganized, I had many tasks and projects crying out for my attention. I also often felt sorry for myself and I looked for more attention by complaining. As I got organized, I learned how to be a better problem solver. I also was able to shift my focus so I work deeper and faster on fewer active projects. My home productivity translated into personal productivity and that spread into all areas of my life.

This podcast will show you how I changed my mindset and will give you some ideas for changing yours. I hope I can help you move from reactive to proactive and to find the margin that comes from a more organized life. Always remember, you can stay calm in chaos.

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