Limited Time Family Organization year end bundle

organize reality kids tv show with Maura
Organize 365 Podcast
Limited Time Family Organization year end bundle

“In today’s podcast, I’m channeling my 30-something self.

Once school let out for the holiday break, any shred of productivity or sanity that I was going to have for the last 10 days of the year was out the window and I was back to being a camp counselor again.

If you are in your active parenting years, this podcast is a HUGE HUG from me. It’s all going to be alright. You’re going to be fine. Everyone is going to love everything that they get, everyone is going to appreciate the work that you are doing, and all the invisible tasks are going to be well-rewarded. YOU ARE DOING A GREAT!

If your primary role and responsibility right now is raising humans…that is not a job. It’s a life’s calling. It is your legacy. It is your life. It is all-consuming. I’ve been there. I’ve done it.

I know you feel like you never have any time. And you may tell yourself that you will get organized when you have more time. But, the truth is…people in their 30’s are the BEST at getting organized. Because you need it SO much more.

Learning the skill of organizing is not optional. If you opt out, meaning you don’t want to learn the skill of organizing, then everything is going to be harder for you. Organization skills are where ease, capacity, time and sanity come from! It is an essential skill.

The Organize 365® Year End Bundle includes the three essential things you are going to need in order to get optimally organized in 2023. This will ensure your whole entire life is organized so you can move even faster.

I know what you want…

  • More impact
  • More capacity
  • Do more. Be more places

You really don’t have to pick and choose. You need to be everywhere and doing everything in your 20s-40s.

You need to learn the skill of organizing AND your children need to learn the skill of organizing.

So here’s what we’ve put together for you:

  1. The Productive Home Solution™
  2. The Kids Program – like The Productive Home Solution™ for your kids
  3. The Sunday Basket® System

If you want to get your WHOLE family organized; from the dog all the way to mom and dad, then listen to the end because we have a big event planned to help you AND your family

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