Today on the podcast, my sister Emily Kelly and I talk about “Saving your story” and share a little bit more of our family history. Our mom was conscious and proactive about creating memories and capturing them in photos, now as adults we can say that we are forever grateful. We share the story of how the Organize 365 Photo Program came to be. We take a trip down memory lane and review our family history with photos and reminisce about our favorite albums. Because of all of these things, we worked together to create our new Saving Your Story Photo Program for physical photos.
Physical photos are something that seems to be less and less common nowadays yet they hold such a special place when it comes to referencing different milestones in one’s life. Physical photos help save your story because they can be placed into things like physical photo albums, scrapbooks, wall decorations, etc. There is so much charm and nostalgia physical photos possess and that cannot be replaced by any other medium.
We believe that the capturing of moments (whether magical or mundane), is something that every individual should experience and have access to. For a while, we were both involved in Creative Memories. We enjoyed it so much that we are partnering with Creative Memories once again for the Photo Program. We share how you can save your story and benefit from the photo program and make your own albums to share your memories with those you love.
“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… It remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.”
— Aaron Siskind
Now, we want to leave you with this simple question. How will you save your story?