To Solve the Problem for Good, there are steps that need to be taken. When you are first getting organized, I teach you that there are actually 3 steps you need to take to get your schedule, your home, and your papers in order. First, you declutter. Second, you organize. Third, you improve your productivity.
I teach you how to start getting organized each week by using a Sunday Basket®. I help you to get your home organized in The Productive Home System. Once you have these areas under control, you will be amazed at how you get more done in less time than you ever have before. Women tell me all the time in the Wednesday Transformational Podcasts how much more free time they have.
Today on the podcast, I want to share with you how I use these very same organizational skills to Solve the Problem for Good as well as tackle other problem areas in my life. I wanted to solve several problems for good. I was tired of the time and mental energy I was spending on each of these areas of my life. To be honest, I could not have solved these problems prior to getting my home and paper organized first, but I have now permanently fixed these life issues.
Listen in today to hear how I solved several of the issues in my life for good. I will tell you about my hair, my makeup, my schedule, my food, and my clothing. I also teach you the skills, the thinking, and the steps to finding the same solutions in your own life.