One of the most impactful books I’ve ever read is The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. This book taught me so much about consistency, well before Organize 365® was even an idea.
We’ve reached a major milestone with this episode here at Organize 365®. This episode is our 500th Friday podcast episode. This doesn’t count the extra episodes we’ve done over the years with Wednesday Transformations, Coffee Chats, and more. Counting those would bring us to well over 700 episodes in total and you’ve downloaded these episodes over 16 million times as of July 2022.
Those numbers and that amount of content creation only come with consistency. In all these years, I’ve NEVER missed publishing a Friday episode!
I was in my late 20s or early 30s when first read The Slight Edge and it stuck with me. I didn’t fully understand back then the impact of a habit over time. You don’t see that until you look back later. I knew I had to find ways to unlock more time in my life. I dived deep into how the organization could unlock more time for me. Now, with the creation and implementation of the Sunday Basket® System, YOU have collectively unlocked 3 million hours and counting in YOUR lives! Wow!
In this episode, I’m sharing quotes from The Slight Edge and things I learned from the book.
Here are some of my takeaways:
- I had to see things in life not as being “to” me, but rather “for” me.
- Consistency beats talent.
- Most businesses take 10 years to the get started.
- Things will take longer than you want, but you need to look at time differently.
- Stop looking for permission!
- Podcasts that take breaks don’t last.
- I have higher self-standards now, but there are no “shoulds” and much more “grace” in my life.
- Focus on what you can change.
- Visionaries make people uncomfortable.
- I’m odd. You probably are too.
- There are fewer people to talk to as you move up.
- You have to live more in your mind than in reality to see the next big thing happen.
It’s time to stop filling your days with to-do lists and household tasks. Quit doing things that don’t matter in the long term. Focus instead on being consistent in what WILL make a difference over time. Consistency beats talent, money, and pedigree every time.
I’d love to hear how you’re using your extra time to do what you’re uniquely created to do! Join me on a Wednesday Transformation episode, tag me on Instagram (@Organize365), or share your story in our community app.
Resources Mentioned in This Episode
The illustration referenced from page 12 of The Slight Edge: