On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in action. I look forward to helping YOU learn the skill of organization, too!
Amber N. shared her transformation with me! She’s the mom of two children who are a senior in high school and 14 years old, and she has a Greg of her own! Amber had always been inspired to be organized, but at some point life just got in her way. She was no longer organized but desperately wanted to be. Amber had tried other organization systems, including hiring a professional organizer. The funny part is, once she got through some of the Organize 365® resources, she no longer needed that professional organizer to come back in for a “refresh”. She had learned the skill of organization and now she can do it on her own! I keep telling you, that organization is a learnable skill people!
Amber had to come to terms with what “being organized” actually means. Did it mean mimicking the pictures from Pinterest; or was it more important for it to be done? Picture vs. Reality. Cute vs. Organized. We put so much pressure on ourselves to give our children these picture-perfect parties or bedrooms. Honestly, our kids aren’t on social media and do not see the pictures we see. They are not on Pinterest. They are not looking for these tiny details. They are just happy to spend time with us, and to celebrate their birthday. Give yourself some grace.
Amber had to start with baby steps…but ultimately she ended in a sprint. She started with her mail and the Sunday Basket® despite all the paper in her house. She was so excited about the results that she wanted more and wanted it more quickly. Now she’s The Paper Solution Certified and can help people on their organizational journeys!
I encourage everyone to evaluate what your energy level is during each season, and what area you want to focus on – such as the house, school & work, or maybe it’s being a more intentional mom. Then set the expectation at the beginning that ‘something is better than nothing’ when it comes to getting organized.
Amber has learned so much from Organize 365®. Her major takeaway is to extend herself grace. Her other biggest takeaways are:
- If you put a process in place, you can move through it
- Good is good enough and focuses on macro not micro
- Don’t get bogged down
Now that she is organized, she has time to spend with her family and on her business too. She also has more money because she isn’t paying late fees and more grace that she gives to herself!
I am grateful you are reaching out to share your stories and progress with me and the Organize 365® community. If you can share your story with us, please apply at https://organize365.com/wednesday.
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