In this episode, I introduce you to Ashley M. who is married and has two little boys running around the house. Ashley, an executive director of a Montessori teacher education program, has always been a fairly organized person and interested in efficiency. But when she stumbled upon Organize 365® in the fall of 2022, she was interested in productivity. She’d been listening to the Best Laid Plans Podcast and had read The Paper Solution book, both of which mention the Sunday Basket®. Ashley loves to read and one Organize 365® product led to another; she enjoys the podcast, too!
Ashley found peace in letting the Sunday Basket® be her external brain. She noted as moms, there’s constantly a lot coming at you because you are caring for a lot of heartbeats. She also has The Paper Solution® Binders which is what Ashley valued the most because again as moms, there is a lot of paperwork. She likes that with the Sunday Basket® she is only dealing with actionable paperwork. She knows all of her ideas have been captured and can be revisited later. Ashley also pointed out that the Sunday Basket® helps her to execute big plans as well as daily life tasks; and the fact that it grows with your family.
In 2021, they bought a larger home and then she had her second son. With the Sunday Basket®, you just add a slash pocket for a new child or sport. And in the binders, you add traditions or health progress as the children grow. I also pointed out that you can do the same if you start caring for a family member. It’s customizable for the phase of life you are in. Again, that’s why we do Home Planning Day, to adjust.
And the same thing holds true for The Productive Home Solution®. Ashley has established a lunch/treat station so she doesn’t have to think so much about it when preparing lunches. With Ashley’s husband being taller, she’s placed the items he uses in the higher cabinets. And for her one year old, his sippy cups are lower, which adds to efficiency in their kitchen. Efficiency is a muscle Ashley has been growing as she has become aware of patterns and cycles. She loves that all the products together remind her when to think about what; like reminders about dentist visit times, household chores, traditions for holidays, and even a special birthday treat that she’d probably otherwise forget about.
Ashley said that if she feels at peace, then she knows she can do something for herself with any extra time. But if she’s feeling chaos creep in, she knows she can easily get back on track with a little tidying or planning. Or she can look at her calendar and decide what she wants to “put back” and tackle another time. She has so much more calm and confidence that she’s keeping track of things. There’s more space for dreaming now that she’s out of survival mode. She’s thankful the system just works and there’s no need for rewriting it, no improvements needed.
Ashley’s advice is, “You can get on the other side outside of anxiety, chaos, and overwhelm with Organize 365®”
- The Sunday Basket®
- The Paper Solution®
- Organize 365® Home Planning Day
- The Productive Home Solution®
- Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter
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