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Complete Podcast Library About Organization


85 – Annual File Purging & Tax Organization

1. Collecting tax documents. Collecting, organizing and preparing tax documentation is overwhelming. I think it is because the information you need comes to you in ...
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84 – Who wants this STUFF!?

My goal as a professional organizer is to help people get rid of the stuff they don't want so they can breathe and enjoy the ...
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81 – Where do I START Organizing?

Congratulations!! You made the decision to GET organized. There is just one problem... where do you start? In today's podcast you will learn all about ...
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80 – My Winter Break Triple Threat

Over winter break I double dog dare you to accomplish the following three things all at the same time with your children. 1. Spend one-on-one ...
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78 – Organization Phases & Stages

In my professional organization experience I have noticed 3 distinct phases of life a woman goes through in relation to her home and clutter.  1. ...
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How-To-Combine-Households-In-An-Organized Way-photo-1

75 – How To Combine Households In An Organized Way

Today I'm answering a reader question, how can you organize two households and one?  This response has been long overdue and I'm happy to go ...
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74 – How To Organize Projects

I am answering a reader question today about how I organize projects.  In this podcast I talk about organizing projects in your Sunday basket.    ...
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73 – Challenges Of Organizing Special Needs Children

On the podcast today I'm sharing another heavy topic. There is a reason why the homes of parents of children with special needs are disorganized.  ...
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69 – My Depression Story & How Depression Affects Organization

I have been feeling the tug to share my personal experience with depression for quite a while. It may surprise you to hear that I ...
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