
Over the last few weeks, we’ve been talking about the updated Education Friday Workbox®. This week, I’m talking with Michele Vinje. She’s been an educator for over 28 years in the same school and the same building for her entire career. She has…

Education Friday Workbox® with Michele Vinje Read More »

The final Embrace experience is right around the corner! I’ve put together a playlist on Spotify of all of the music we will be playing over the course of the weekend.  In this Coffee Chat episode, I share with you why I’m sharing this playlist…

Coffee Chat – Embrace Playlist Read More »


We’ve been talking about essential organizing for the last several podcast episodes. Listen to the rest of the episodes in this series: This week, we are transitioning to the first of two optional spaces to organize. The first space is kids….

486 – Optional Organizing: Kids Read More »

Teacher Camp is coming the week of July 11 – 15, 2022! Sheri MacGregor and I are going to walk you as a teacher or education administrator through the Education Friday Workbox® to get you ready for the coming school year. We will add a new Slash…

All About Teacher Camp Read More »


In this podcast series, we’ve been talking about essential organizing. You can catch up on this series by listening to these episodes: This week, we are moving to organizing your paper management in our quest for functional organization in your…

485 – Organizing Paper Management Read More »


In this podcast series, I have talked with you about and then about . Now, we’re ready to move into your storage spaces. Storage spaces are not easy to organize, but once you set your mind to it, they can be maintained for the rest of your life!…

484 – Organizing Storage Spaces Read More »


Welcome to the newest Wednesday Podcast! On Wednesdays, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365 community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps, and triumphs along their organizing journey. You can see and hear transformation in…

Transformation with Krys H. Read More »


This week we are moving from personal organization to the next area of organization: family and communal spaces. These are the areas that you will want to organize first because people see them when they come into your home, but they are the hardest…

483 – Organizing Family & Communal Spaces Read More »

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